Safeguarding your
green future.

A Sustainability Company
Tellus is a sustainability company. We provide advanced end-to-end solutions for managing the world’s most challenging hazardous materials. Tellus enables Australian businesses to safely and sustainably start-up, scale up, clean-up and drive circular economy innovations for the new green economy – and the clean energy transition.

At Sandy Ridge in Western Australia, Tellus has created an Advanced Sustainability Precinct for end-to-end management of Australia’s most challenging by products and hazardous materials.
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Tellus provides end-to-end sustainable solutions for almost all forms of hazardous materials across all industries. From clean-up programs to by-products of new critical minerals and rare earth processing and production.
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Tellus can safely package, permit, transport, research, recycle, and store nearly any form of strategic waste, as well as permanently dispose of intractable and end-of-lifecycle materials from anywhere in Australia or its Exclusive Economic Zone - including low level radioactive waste.
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Tellus' solutions focus on safety, environmental outcomes, circular economy goals and budget considerations to meet each client’s specific needs. We make responsible end-to-end management of hazardous materials easy, sustainable and affordable.
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We have a unique social licence with First Nations partners, Traditional Owners and local communities.
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Facilities & Projects
The Sandy Ridge near-surface geological repository with air dome technology is the first and only nationwide geological repository in Australia. It is the first of three globally significant Tellus projects, all Traditional Owner approved.

Tellus Circullus
All the latest developments and innovation across the industry and within the Tellus ecosystem.