Most people don’t think of hazardous waste management and greening the economy as parts of the same project—but at Tellus, we are changing those perceptions.
New green technologies create their own hazardous waste. This waste will have to be safely managed if the vision of a circular economy is going to be brought to fruition.
As an example, take the emerging energy-from-waste sector, a fundamental development for clean energy production in Australia.
But energy-from-waste produces its own hazardous by-product, in the form of Air Pollution Control residue (APCr). Which due to the nature of its origin and complex composition brings its own unique challenges.
The East Rockingham Waste to Energy plant in Perth will soon come online, producing enough energy to power 36,000 homes. And Tellus has contracted with the East Rockingham to accept their APCr waste.
Tellus’ near-surface geological repository at Sandy Ridge is the ideal final destination for APCr.
There APCr will be analysed and safely managed. And thanks to the adjacent work of Tellus’ Sandy Ridge Labs, any potential for this material to be recycled or re-used can be realised in a safe and controlled environment.
This partnership will enable the growth of an waste-to-energy industry in Australia, and illustrates Tellus’ wider mission of supporting Australia’s clean energy transition.
You can read all the details on this flagship partnership here, in this report from the latest issue of Waste Management Review here
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