Tellus’ attendance last week at the Decommissioning & Abandonment 2024 Conference in Perth gave us the opportunity to engage with the Oil and Gas sector about the challenges of tackling hazardous materials management in decommissioning, with a particular focus on Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) and mercury.
“While we should always be looking for recycling opportunities, segregating hazardous materials on-site can lead to multiple contamination issues, escalate remediation costs and sometimes lead to worse full-cycle environmental outcomes. A balanced approach is environmentally appropriate,” said Tellus CEO Nate Smith in his presentation.
“At Sandy Ridge, we offer a comprehensive solution for disposal, recycling, and research, making it Australia’s safest facility for NORM and mercury contaminated material management.”
Nate Smith Managing Director & CEO, Tellus
Tellus partners to provide full-lifecycle solutions for decommissioning and ongoing production. This includes safely removing, researching, recycling, and reserving – as well as permanently disposing of – intractable and end-of-lifecycle materials, while taking risk and title – which eradicates all future liability related to waste materials.
Circular solutions can soon become a reality for managing hazardous materials, as demonstrated through our partnership with entX to isolate isotopes from NORM for therapeutic purposes.
entX is a South Australian based innovative nuclear science and engineering research company.

Image courtesy of James Di Stefano photography

Image courtesy of James Di Stefano photography