
Tellus’ submission to the House Select Committee on Nuclear Energy

Should Australia go nuclear?

That’s the issue currently before the House Select Committee on Nuclear Energy, which was recently established by the Australian Parliament. They’ll be tabling a final report by 30 April 2025.

One of the matters for attention has been the topic of waste, and what to do about it.

Our view is simple. Through their life cycle, all forms of energy technology in the clean energy transition generate waste with the potential to harm humans and the natural environment, whether it is coal, gas, oil, solar, wind or nuclear.

All these energy forms require a waste solution. That’s why we designed Sandy Ridge – to be the safest place for Australia’s most hazardous wastes.


Whether Australia goes nuclear is a matter for Australians and our parliament.


But whatever Australia’s energy mix, even if it includes nuclear power, our message to lawmakers is that Tellus is here to help. (Our submission is here)

With our experience in gaining social licence and native title support, finding a safe and suitable location, obtaining regulatory approvals, completing construction on time and under budget, and now operating Sandy Ridge, we can play an important role in safeguarding our green future.


We are already solving Australia’s radioactive waste challenge today.

How can we help tomorrow?