
ABC coverage – Sandy Ridge gets national exposure

The image is of the Tellus geological repository in remote WA. People were able to see Sandy Ridge in the ABC coverage. Audiences saw the air dome supported structure which looks like an enormous white dome rising out of the desert landscape.

Tellus was featured on national television in ABC coverage of Sandy Ridge.

“For decades, the issue of where to store Australia’s nuclear waste has caused friction in regional communities and frustration for federal politicians in both the major parties. But a possible solution has emerged, with a private company quietly setting up the nation’s first disposable facility for low-level radioactive waste in Western Australia’s outback. 7.30’s Angelique Donnellan with this report.”

Sabra Lane ABC Journalist

That was Sabra Lane from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)’s AM radio program, and that “private company” is Tellus.


We appreciated the recent opportunity to showcase Sandy Ridge to all Australians via the ABC coverage on 7:30. Demonstrating how hazardous chemical and low-level radioactive waste is safely managed and disposed of at one of the safest places on earth.


Our CEO Nate Smith was asked how much radioactive waste we’ve accepted so far:

“Just in the last year, about over 6,000 cubic metres of low-level radioactive waste from all over Australia.”
Nate Smith Managing Director & CEO, Tellus


Every cubic metre of radioactive waste disposed of at Sandy Ridge is another cubic metre of hazardous material that no longer presents a risk to Australians’ health or our natural environment.

We’re proud of this achievement but there’s much more we can do to safeguard our future.

You can hear the story and read the transcript of the ABC coverage here