
Workplace Health & Safety Policy

Version No: 5
With Effect Date: 30/12/2014
Version Date: 27/02/2023

Purpose and Scope

This Policy outlines the course of action to ensure the work health and safety and welfare of our employees, visitors, suppliers and customers. Work Health and Safety is the cornerstone of all Tellus Holdings Ltd activities and operations.

This Policy applies to the activities of Tellus Holdings Ltd and its related bodies corporate (“Tellus”) and the people associated with the Company including staff, visitors, consultants and contractors. Tellus shall ensure that this Policy is communicated and understood throughout the Company and is available for access to relevant interested parties, as appropriate.

Tellus is committed to:
  • Maintaining and continually improving a management system that complies with the requirements of ISO 45001:2018
  • Individual acceptance of personal accountability and responsibility for safe behaviour
  • Top management demonstrating leadership and commitment so that work health and safety management practices are integrated into all aspects of our operations
  • Meeting and where appropriate, exceeding applicable legal and other requirements
  • Setting and achieving measurable targets to continually improve our safety and health performance
  • Recognising individuals who demonstrate excellence or innovation in work health and safety
Our Work Health and Safety objectives are to:
  • Provide and maintain safe plant, equipment, materials, premises and methods of work
  • Provide adequate instruction, training and supervision to ensure safe working practices
  • Maintain a risk management methodology that incorporates hazard identification, risk assessment and risk mitigation
  • Strive to continuously reduce injuries in the workplace
  • Identify psychosocial risks and hazards to minimise effects on mental health.
  • Consistently communicate to staff and interested parties through induction and/or written and electronic processes, the intent of our policies
To achieve these objectives, we shall:
  • Ensure high levels of management and staff involvement in achieving stated objectives
  • Continuously engage stakeholders in meaningful consultation and communication
  • Measure our safety performance and use this information for the continual reduction of injuries and safety risks
Tellus requires all persons in the workplace to:
  • Know and understand their responsibilities and the precautions necessary for their or others safety
  • Adhere to safe work practices, instructions, rules and statutory requirements
  • Promptly report hazards and incidents and take action to ensure the workplace is safe
  • Use safeguards and equipment correctly and not place themselves or others at risk

For questions about the operation of this Policy, please contact Tellus’ Company Secretary